When submitting a claim, please complete and sign a Work Injury Compensation Claim Form. The claim form for the policy you hold may be accessed from
the link below. Please note for all Work Injury claims, you must also submit a copy of your MOM iReport along with your claim form.
Once complete, the claim form should be submitted to us, along with all relevant supporting documentation and information. The submission may be made
via email to the following address: [email protected]
If you need assistance prior to submitting your claim, please contact your insurance broker/agent. Alternatively, our claims team, can be contacted at +65 6675 1168.
Please note that the acceptance of your claim form does not represent an admission of policy liability on the part of BHSI. We will review and assess each claim
on its own merits and all settlement decisions shall be determined according to the terms and conditions of your policy.
We reserve the right to ask for documents (including originals) and information in addition to that which you submit with your claim form. The production of original
documents or other statements in support of the claim shall be the responsibility of the Policyholder/Insured Person (as applicable).
Under the Work Injury Compensation Act 2019 (WICA 2019), Insurers are required to establish as soon as possible whether a workplace accident falls within
the scope of the legislation, and to report this to the MOM. It is therefore extremely important that your claim form, and all supporting documentation and
information, are provided to us as soon as possible.
An approved WICA 2019 insurance policy is an annual policy issued by an MOM-designated insurer that commenced on/after 1 Jan 2021.
For a guide to claims falling under WICA 2019, please click here.